Walking Routes

WalkTall Walking Routes

We all have our favourite walking routes, and at the bottom of this page are just some reviews of the routes we cover as a walking group. Where each step carries us through familiar and new landscapes adorned with nature's finest tapestries. A mix of lush pine forests dotted with ruins, whispering secrets of centuries past. Serene orchards swaying in the gentle breeze. And rugged trails winding an incline that promises both challenge and reward. With each step, we forge a deeper connection with each other and with the Spanish countryside, towns, villages and hamlets around us

Albanchez Almanzora
Arboleas Bedar
Cantoria Fines
Huercal Overa La Cinta
Laroya Lijar
Macael Mojacar
Olula de Rio Oria
Partoloa Saliente
Seron Somontin

New routes are continuously added to the list of walks offered to the WalkTallSpain walking group.

Do you have your favourite? Please tell us which one, and why below in the comments. I would love to know, and it may help others choose which routes to try.

Previous comments

Christine Giddings
"LOMA del ALGARROBO - Not only a great guided walk but a cultural education too. I had been to Partaloa before but had missed the old castle. FINES TO OLULA del RIO - truly delightful walk, flat and easy. Beautiful Palm tree lined route to start, with interesting marble sculptures. Visiting the museum and gallery was a pleasant education: I want to know more about Goya and Frederico Castellon who created the erotic alphabet! I will have to go back to see who painted all those nudes! Tracey looked after us throughout, (rounding up the strayers to the bar) and getting the "Head" opened for us. Making sure slow walkers (me) were not left behind. Thank you Tracey. A brilliant outing."
Dan Daniels
"CANTORIA RADIO MASTS LA POLVORA - This proved to be a challenge worth achieving. We started from Cantoria and followed the meandering concrete road, which became unmade which became a trail through pine trees, which became a single footpath carved out by previous rainfall. The processionary caterpillars hung directly overhead at times, but caused no issues. Very steep but well worth the trip to the top and masts where we had great views to the snow covered witches hat. The walk down was equally steep but a great relief, providing majestic views of the countryside. We were joined for a short time by a few Ibex who seemed relatively unbothered by us on their turf. Not for the faint-hearted, but thoroughly recommended if you like a challenge."
Geoff Murrell
"LA CINTA TO ARBOLEAS - A very pleasant walk. It's mostly flat, with some gentle climbs in the first half and some lovely views of the Andalusian countryside. As you reach Arboleas, via the rambla, you walk through what I can only describe as a patch of wetland, with real grass growing, and a strange sight indeed in this part of Spain! The bars in Arboleas offer welcome 'half-time' refreshment, before you tackle the second half of the walk. Leaving Arboleas, over the smaller bridge, there is a gentle climb up to the old railway line path, and then a flat walk along the path, before you drop into the rambla for the final stretch, back into La Cinta. I'm a novice walker, and this was the longest distance I've tried, so I was grateful that the second half of this walk was flat. I would describe the first half as medium difficulty and the second half as easy. "
Vikki Battman
"CANTORIA TO PIEDRA AMARILLA - This walk is definitely about being in the moment. The landscape is all around you! You leave the town of Cantoria and walk up beside the goat farm and then on to the watch tower the hills are close all around it's spectacular, the ground is rocky but perfectly acceptable terrain. Once at the tower you can see across the valley it's farm land and industrial but again those mountain views loom up at you! Then we walked through an Almond grove and on to the bridge under the motorway on the way into Piedra we came across Fir trees with those naughty processionary caterpillar nests an interesting animal but leave well alone! Once we had our coffee break, the walk back through the Rambler was full of interest, and we followed the tracks of Wild boar, but luckily or unlucky we didn't see any! The walk back is definitely a sun trap, and you come back into Cantoria quite quickly, a very enjoyable walk. "
Alan Battman
"CANTORIA PR-A-418 - Wearing a sturdy pair of walking boots (highly recommended) the incline started after 10 mins and continued for a good hour, hard going but great exercise and amazing views the higher we got the last 10 mins of climbing took us through trees and the cool shade was very much appreciated. When we reached the top ridge we proceeded past 3 abandoned shepherd houses, unloved for many years with just external walls remaining. We encountered a flock of goats grazing and walked with them for 5-10 minutes was great fun. When we had descended we walked through a lemon grove the blossom smell of citrus was lovely, we then joined the railway track from Almanzora heading back to Cantoria and finished at Sara's bar for a well-earned drink, 4 hours and over 18000 steps a very enjoyable walk. "
Peter Marks
"LOMA DE LOS POBRES - Did this walk and it is certainly not a flat walk, but definitely worth the extra effort when you see the views at the top, stunning scenery!! Second half of the walk is all downhill, so that is a bonus. All done with Tracey, who is very knowledgeable regarding local knowledge and history. All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon walk in excellent company. I would certainly recommend this walk"
Caroline White
"ALMANZORA CROSS- A great walk for most abilities with one or two slightly steep parts, but as the pace was comfortable on our group walk with Tracey, it was easily achievable. The views at the highest part were breathtaking. I am really enjoying seeing different campo areas near where we live plus meeting new people also. Thank you Tracey for organising the walks, the information before the walk was concise and the company really lovely. It is good to improve fitness too. Cali xxx"
Paula Nash
"ALBANCHEZ PICNIC ROUTE - I really enjoyed this walk around Albanchez. I have never really been there before, there was plenty to see on the way even though a lot of the walk was along the rambla. We took in the Los Canos Fountain, which shows the history but is a bit run down now which is a shame, then we carried on alone the rambla and came to a lovely picnic spot, where we stopped for breakfast from here you can see the Aquaduct, and go and explore it from the picnic site. From here we left the rambla and followed the road up into the village, the views along here were amazing you could see the whole of Albanchez from the pathway. Once in the village you come to an old chapel, you walk down through the lovely little streets until you come to the square. We went on a Thursday, so it was market day the church was open, so we went in, it was lovely, I lit a candle for loved ones lost whilst in there. The square is small, but you get nice views of the surrounding area from there. I really enjoyed the walk it was mostly flat with a few inclines but nothing too challenging. If you haven't been to Albanchez, this walk is the perfect way to explore it."


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